Why the World is Turning to Energetic Medicine!

In 1990, Deepak Chopra, MD, wrote the book Quantum Healing, naming it after the body’s ability to heal itself and even cure disease from within.

Dr. Chopra stands among the first Western medical authorities to talk about how the human body is controlled by a “network of intelligence” grounded in quantum reality. Unlike the intelligence measured by an IQ test, this intelligence penetrates matter deeply enough to change the basic patterns that create our physiology—with the potential to defeat cancer, heart disease, and even aging itself, he teaches.

“Most studies indicate that we are becoming by the decade a more anxious and depressed society, more hooked on antidepressants and tranquilizers. Stress levels keep increasing, whether from loud noise, long work hours, interrupted sleep patterns, or pressure at work. Anyone suffering from such stressors will tend to show a marked imbalance in the body, such as elevated blood pressure, increased stress hormones like cortisol, or irregular heart rhythms,” Dr. Chopra explains in Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul.

Society’s problem, he suggests, lies in a traditional healing approach that cannot address such a wide array of problems. In his words, “Trying to create a patch of coherence in someone’s life does small good when their whole system is in chaos.”

Nearly 20 years of working in the healing arts has shown me that all of this is true. Which is why relieving stresses affecting “the whole system” is our work as quantum biofeedback technicians. In daily life, we must all cope with concerns related to health, finances, our career, personal relationships, family, environmental situations, emotions and fears of the future. As such, it’s no secret that stress is the number one source of illness and disease in our lives. When stress and its resulting physical and mental-emotional conditions are ignored, stress can accumulate and complicate any or all of these situations.

Yet there is a simple solution: the relief of stress allows the body to heal itself.

Though stress may be inevitable in life, biofeedback is cited by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a scientifically proven method to diminish and relieve stress. In fact, many people have been traveling long distances to such places as Europe, Asia and Australia in search of advanced biofeedback devices, which are being used in hospitals that pioneer cutting-edge technologies, including Quantum Biofeedback.

Yet expensive traveling associated with such treatments is no longer necessary to finally acquire the benefits of these technologies. In fact, now you can capitalize off the latest advancements in stress-relief technology from anywhere in the world via meta-space Distance Sessions. We use an FDA-registered biofeedback device designated as a Class II Medical Device in the European Union, including Germany, based on double-blind studies for safety and efficacy. Plus, we make it affordable. Not only is it suited to fit your budget, but it’s quite relaxing and enjoyable, so it may be integrated in the balanced, healthy lifestyle you desire to maintain or achieve.